Thursday, 18 November 2010

Libray - Music Outlet

Libraries as Music Outlets

I wonder if the Music Business is overlooking a useful outlet?

For many years Public Libraries have provided Records, then Tapes, and now CD`s, for their customers to borrow. Libraries charge a small fee for this service, and from that charge a proportion of the money goes to the CD company and then on to the Artist, whose work has been borrowed.

Well it seems to me a completely viable thing to do - if Record Companies got together with the Public Library Service and agrred a way for Library customers to have copying rights to CD`s they borrow. And maybe for an extra charge, Libraries could themselves provide a copying service.

Most Music Outlets have gone from all but the largest towns and cities - so without any outlay on premises, suddenly the Music Business (which is always complaining about the problems it faces in this digital age), would have access to many thousands of outlets.

And the Public Library Service, which itself is suffering due to the current economic situation, would also benefit.

To me it looks like a win win proposition, and a virtuous circle to boot. After all Libraries are at the creative heart of a community so getting more people into them can only help toward increasing creativity, including the musical kind.

(Although I have worked in a library - for Somerset County Library Service for a year or so, in the mid 1980`s - and I am a lifelong Library user, my principal interest is in seeking ways that might help save a valuable community resource, in these straitened times

Monday, 15 November 2010

Money Energy - Harmony Economics

Money Energy

When you work you expend energy.

In return for this expenditure of energy

You are paid money

Of that money

Some is taken for reasons of taxation

This is tax on energy

Like running on soft sand - is what it can feel like

When that energy used goes to the taxman

Depleted and defeated

The economy falters

The sands have swallowed

The dynamism of the people.

(A different angle on economics and the politics of labour)

To continue.

When a persons generator is spinning freely

And they are producing much Energy

Then a tax on that Energy

In it's aspect as Money

Will have no noticeable effect

On the energy being put in

So the generator keeps spinning

The worker keeps running.

Dynamic and happy

(Perhaps explained a bit clumsily? But seems to me the gist of the thing).

And for those who seek less labour more leisure

Then they can spin gently

And the earth may itself

Regenerate at it's own natural pace

As a harmony restored.

Life in balance.
- that natural accord.
(Here I am seeking a future where people live in harmony with themselves and the world - unrealistic? Praps, perhaps not. But seems worth mentioning)

Sunday, 29 August 2010

Chivalrous Science


Talking of empires -

Empiricism is considered to be the epitome of proper science. Implying as it does a superior (and thus "objective") view.

Does the empirical scientist seek to conquer and rule the physical (natural) world - in the same manner that en emperor seeks to conquer and rule the human world?

Seems possible - both words derive from the same root.

The empiricist perhaps prepared to subjugate the means to the ends (as does an empire builder).

Is this the only way to do science? Maybe it is if you are unaware of other ways?

Might it be possible to have a Chivalrous Science?

I would have thought so, why not?

A Chivalrous Science - where the means take priority.

A Chivalrous Science where perhaps harmony accompanies each step along the way -

Harmony - where each step is taken (only) if it is Chivalrous.

Seems rather a good idea to me.

To give an example of how it might work -

Not long ago it was reported that the oldest living animal had been discovered. The animal in question was a Clam and it was 400 years old.

To discover the age of the Clam the "scientists" killed it.

In Chivalrous Science the "end" (to discover the age of this living being) would not override the "means" (of discovery). Thus if no method was available to establish the true age of the animal without killing, then it would be left to live on in peace. If and when a technique was discovered which could establish the age without killing the creature - then the work would proceed.

Means led science, Chivalrous Science.

And if you think about it - with that extra patience (in waiting until a non lethal method was developed), Science and knowledge would itself move on further, learning new techniques and skills.

Chivalrous Science - harmonious, civilised, and with greater potential.......

Monday, 7 June 2010

Hydrogen Economy

Hydrogen Economy

(Some notes on how - we the ordinary people could go about the task of creating a new, greener, more efficient, and more human scale - energy system/economy/society.

On one of the Coast (BBC tv program) shorts I saw perhaps the most encouraging thing I`ve seen in months.

The program was featuring the island of Unst - and the presenter was being driven in a little car by a young chap, who`d developed a hydrogen power system for the car.

The chap was getting the hydrogen by generating electricity via a wind turbine, passing the electricity through water to get hydrogen, collecting that hydrogen and running his car off it.

Superb - simple, efficient, non-polluting -

If I had loads`a`money I`d be asking that chap if he wanted an investment.

Filled me with hope - that`s for sure!

Well done

I know very little about Edgar Cayce - but I do recall that he was once asked what source of energy might be used in the future. And in reply he pointed down at the ocean.

People since have speculated about what mysterious energy sources might lie beneath the oceans and how they might be discovered and utilised -

But Cayce - well maybe he was just pointing at all that H2O?

Less mysterious perhaps - but......

If people could produce and bottle hydrogen - as that chap on Unst has done - then if cars were running on hydrogen.....

Well surely anyone with the oomph and facilities/space - could set-up their own Hydrogen Filling Station?

Now wouldn`t that be neat!?

I was thinking earlier about what effect a change to hydrogen fuelled vehicles might have. A few possibilities came to mind:

In cold places all that water exiting the exhaust might cause a problem due to it iceing up the roads?

Elsewhere (or at warmer times of year) the expelled water might need to be channelled away from the road, though fortunately many roads are convex - so simply a matter of guttering or maybe larger receptacles for the water to go into.

In drier countries, conceivably if there was enough water being expelled as exhaust, this water could be channelled away and used for irrigation or other useful purposes? Heck it might even transform a country if there was enough (vehicles/water)?

In very hot countries the expelled water might simply evaporate into the atmosphere - to be dropped as rain somewhere or other. Again, if a country is dry (& hot) this maybe to some useful advantage?

Sees a fairly positive thing - this hydrogen economy?

And as CO2 levels are so high - plants have got a lot of it to takeup in their growth cycle (as long as water is available)!


In many ways the Internet/Web is an example of a self-organising system.

And because of it many other self-organising systems have been assisted or even born.

With the idea for people producing their own hydrogen to use in their vehicles (like that chap in the Shetlands has done - see prev) -

And if enough started producing a surplus (to their own needs) of hydrogen selling it on to others -

And thus forming a network of refuelling stations - independently of state or mega-corp, then that would be an excellent example of a self-organising system.

(Maybe oneday we`ll see Hydrogen production kits in things like the Whole Earth Catalogue (if they ever did another)* and the Maplin Catalogue? Now that`d be neat :-)

*Far better than Nuclear power Mr Brand!!!

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Slug Prevention

Moated Gardening

An idea for preventing slugs getting to your plants.

Monty Don, when doing Gardeners World, prepared some raised beds by surrounding them with wooden planks which were topped with copper strips.

The idea being to prevent slugs entering the bed and to gradually remove the slugs already within the soil.

An idea I had on this - as a sort of variant, is this:

Create beds within a garden, then form channels around these beds through which water will flow.

Each bed being effectively isolated by the flowing water, and thus preventing slugs gaining access to it.

Perhaps impractical, on the other hand, potentially very attractive and interesting.

A thought, anyway.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010



It occurred to me that Eschers drawings perfectly illustrate the problem with Theoretical and Conceptual thought and theory and indeed Math.

On paper both look fine - and they indeed are convincing - but try to put them into reality - or fit reality to them - then it becomes immediately obvious that they can only exist on paper (& indeed in the mind of the viewer)

Escher thus provided us with a perfect analogy. (Apologies for the use of the word perfect - but it sorta fits there) - for the difference between practical science (science of the real world) and impractical science (science of the imaginary world).

Not sure if this idea could ever have any material value (for a product or service) but haven`t exactly been overflowing with ideas myself - so thought I`d add it to the Stall.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Fuzzy Logic - Circles

Fuzzy Circles

Was reading a short article online (here) about using Fuzzy Logic in games and a possible variance of the methods proposed came to mind.

In the article it is mentioned how Fuzzy Logic sets can be represented as triangles - and how these intersecting triangles (from a group of sets) can be used to determine actions (of a game character AI in the article concerned).

An alternative method - it seems to me - might be to use Circles instead of triangles for/to represent the sets.

And additionally to use colours.

Thus - one the circle are sectors, each representing certain parameters within the Set, such as don`t move, move forward, move to the left, move to the right, move ...etc - and each of the sectors represented also by a colour - say blue for don`t move and so on.

Then have a group of sets (for instance to determine movement) represented by a group of circles each circle being arranged concentrically around the next - so a cirlce divided into many smaller circles - and each circle being divided into sectors which are themselves allocated colours.

So - as the AI comes upon a situation the various circles move and line up in a specific way - but, and here`s where this might be interesting (though might be of little use or perhaps has been done already) - what the overall objective or maybe motive of the AI is is to get a "Good Feeling"/"Be Happy" -

And this Happiness results from the colour of - lets say Gold.

As the circles move back and forth the colours mixing from inner to outer (or vice versa) circle will result, when these colours are combined - in another colour.

Thus the nearer the colour is to Gold (Happiness) the more the AI seeks to do this - and thus chooses that Result as its course of action.

This might produce some unusual and interesting results in the Game and the AI itself might prove to be an interesting "character"?

Potentially it might even be possible for the AI itself to program (learn) its various component circles from experiences and thus refine its ability to find Gold (Happiness) - further thought needed......

Anyway idea offered to any who might be interested - to play with and So on.....

If of course - in a less simplistic Model - there are more circles determining behavious - then there combined Colour output - still seeking Gold (Happiness) might prove even more interesting.

Picturing for instance something like the Chakra "model" - and each Chakra being one of the multiple circles and each providing colour - and these combining..... and so on....

tbc praps.....................................

With that method proposed of using colours - and the blending of colours with the objective of a particular colour -

Might it be that a game AI would actually have an equivalent to the sub/un-conscious?

If its objective was to create the colour gold - from the output of each of its sets - individually as a particular set of concentric circles - and most importantly collectively as a result of the combined output (colours) of these sets/concentric circles -

Then what was happening within the circles would be of less concern than the actual output(s) - it might even be that the game AI would be "blind" to the actual contents of the circles/sets - aware only of the final coulour output(s)?

That in a sense might well be a computer version of having an sub or unconscious?

Might that actually create the (pre)conditions necessary for an actual and Conscious AI to emerge?

I`m not sure but I`m beginning to wonder - will post this also on my Idea Stall Blog just in case it might be of interest to any in the IT/Programming/AI research world.


Maybe "AI`s" with such a nature might be tried out in the world of SIMS, it might be interesting?

It would be fascinating though if the ability for such an "AI" to truly achieve Gold(happiness) was blocked if others were themselves prevented from the opportunity to also seek/achieve Gold(happiness). ie one circle set - with a particular set of colurs(?) that is related to that - that all others have the opportunity to seek/achieve Gold.

And of course the more an indivdual AI assists others to have the opportunity to also seek/achieve Gold(Happiness) then the nearer that "AI" will be to achieving its own true Gold(happiness).

(Apart from that article mentioned at top I also read back in about 1998 "Fuzzy Thinking : The New Science Of Fuzzy Logic" by Bart Kosko + a few other articles in magazines and online over the years. So the use of Fuzzy Logic has been, you might say, germinating in my mind for a fair old time)

Friday, 1 January 2010

Companion Planting

Companion Planting - possible methodology

It is known that certain plants when placed/planted near each other have a mutually beneficial effect on/for each other.

Furthermore it has been observed that certain cultures (currently or in the past) knew how to combine more than just two plants in a companion planting situation - so reaping greater benefits for all the plants involved.

Unfortunately no one seems to know how these people worked out which plants were of assistance to which others.

A thought:-

Lie detector equipment (and more sensitive derivatives) has been used to measure plant responses -

Some work has been done testing how plants respond to threats &/or help for plants of other species - and there is evidence that certain plants respond more to what is happening to one sort of plant than another.

Might it be the case that when two plants have a measurably greater response to what is happening to each other - that these plants would benefit (in terms of health, growth rate, crop yield, etc) if planted near each other?

I have no idea if this is the case - it is simply a hypothesis - but perhaps it might yield beneficial results if proved correct -

(Beneficial results possibly including less pesticides/herbicides/fertilizers/etc being required......)

As an afterthought - maybe those with a "green thumb" (the people who can just get things to grow) have hands so sensitive that they can somehow understand plants via the same mechanism that plants communicate internally - the person "reads" the plant via a form of plant "braille" (to use an analogy)? Maybe this ability - raised to awareness in other cultures is what enabled them to develope companion planting to levels beyond our modern (less tuned in/sensitive) abilities?