Thursday, 18 November 2010

Libray - Music Outlet

Libraries as Music Outlets

I wonder if the Music Business is overlooking a useful outlet?

For many years Public Libraries have provided Records, then Tapes, and now CD`s, for their customers to borrow. Libraries charge a small fee for this service, and from that charge a proportion of the money goes to the CD company and then on to the Artist, whose work has been borrowed.

Well it seems to me a completely viable thing to do - if Record Companies got together with the Public Library Service and agrred a way for Library customers to have copying rights to CD`s they borrow. And maybe for an extra charge, Libraries could themselves provide a copying service.

Most Music Outlets have gone from all but the largest towns and cities - so without any outlay on premises, suddenly the Music Business (which is always complaining about the problems it faces in this digital age), would have access to many thousands of outlets.

And the Public Library Service, which itself is suffering due to the current economic situation, would also benefit.

To me it looks like a win win proposition, and a virtuous circle to boot. After all Libraries are at the creative heart of a community so getting more people into them can only help toward increasing creativity, including the musical kind.

(Although I have worked in a library - for Somerset County Library Service for a year or so, in the mid 1980`s - and I am a lifelong Library user, my principal interest is in seeking ways that might help save a valuable community resource, in these straitened times

Monday, 15 November 2010

Money Energy - Harmony Economics

Money Energy

When you work you expend energy.

In return for this expenditure of energy

You are paid money

Of that money

Some is taken for reasons of taxation

This is tax on energy

Like running on soft sand - is what it can feel like

When that energy used goes to the taxman

Depleted and defeated

The economy falters

The sands have swallowed

The dynamism of the people.

(A different angle on economics and the politics of labour)

To continue.

When a persons generator is spinning freely

And they are producing much Energy

Then a tax on that Energy

In it's aspect as Money

Will have no noticeable effect

On the energy being put in

So the generator keeps spinning

The worker keeps running.

Dynamic and happy

(Perhaps explained a bit clumsily? But seems to me the gist of the thing).

And for those who seek less labour more leisure

Then they can spin gently

And the earth may itself

Regenerate at it's own natural pace

As a harmony restored.

Life in balance.
- that natural accord.
(Here I am seeking a future where people live in harmony with themselves and the world - unrealistic? Praps, perhaps not. But seems worth mentioning)