Sacred Science - cntd further
How might this possible connection, between the functioning of a piece of technology and the state of mind/morality/moral reality of those who create it and operate it, be explained?
Well one way might be if the wider World (Universe) in which these things occur is itself involved - for instance, by being Alive.
Louis C Kervran (Biological Transmutations, 1972) - quoted on page 89, in Culture and Horticulture by Wolf Storl, published by Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Assoc Inc, 2000, - concluded, after much research into the transmutations of elements which experiments show occur in plants and animals, that: "organic life cannot be explained in terms of inorganic chemistry, that the law of entropy does not work for living organisms".
Thus applying this "higher" (much "higher") - in a Universe which is alive (this one) current notions of it`s future, which rely on the laws of thermodynamics and entropy are, to say the least, somewhat wide of the mark, in fact they are erroneous. (If the Universe is alive that is).
And a living system responds in ways appropriate to itself - thus perhaps the state of mind/objectives and so forth of those within in may create conditions in which certain technologies (and other things) may function? Technologies which will not function without those pre-conditions being met.
A challenge to science this would be - a challenge to scientists as well of course. But that, surely, is one of the joys of science?
"Nothing happens in living nature that is not related to the whole" as Goethe described. (Quoted on P1 in "How to Grow More Vegetables" by John Jeavons - 6th Edition 2002 C Ecology Action of the Midpeninsula).
I can`t help but wonder if these (postulated) further Laws of Nature are what Isaac Newton was looking for when he took up the study of Alchemy and continued it despite the disparagement of his contemporaries?
Evolving as life is - perhaps these postulated Laws of Nature will become more readily evident as evolution continues?
Addendum: (3/6/11)
How to "access" these (postulated) further Laws of Nature?
Many possibilities occur - but it is interesting that many of these anomalous events (such as Cold Fusion working, that finger regrowing) seem almost to occur by accident - when the people/person involved is not expecting anything, when they are not burdened by material desire, - Perhaps this is worth investigating?
Also considering these things (and these postulated Laws) seem more similar to religious or spiritual practice than science, perhaps methods used in spiritual practice might be employed in pursuance of this research?
The person putting up that sign warning of the cliff edge - they make no judgement of any who ignore it, nor do they punish them - Nature simply takes "her" course. Perhaps this POV is useful as well?