Wednesday, 18 May 2011



A form or school of mathematics -

Intuitionism rejects Infinite Sets - for various reasons -

For this reason I find an affinity with Intuitionism,

Their approach seems more readily to chime with that of Buckminster Fuller and other explorers of the actual world (see previous Post).*

And how can a Mathematical System (Method) which is based on/derived from the use of Infinite Sets - which do not exist, and indeed cannot exist - have any relationship to that which does exist and can exist?

Is it any wonder that all extrapolations (theories) made using Infinities based Math end up with an End? Based as this Math is on something that cannot/does not exist, it seems inevitable it will always produce an outcome that also does not exist, or to put it within the terms of reference of that Math, - the End of the Universe. This Infinities Derived/Based Math proving not the end of the Universe, but rather the End (or non-existence) of itself.

Of course Math based on the actual - however contradictory and surprising that is & might be - could well take much longer to develop and may indeed never be fully explored - but perhaps show that there is no End? Naturally.

* One possible place to begin might by using Buckminster Fuller`s math to study Viktor Schauberger`s inventions - perhaps it might be quite revealing?