Victor Schauberger - Cold Fusion and other technologies
Victor Schauberger the Austrian Inventor* who developed such practical things as Water Flumes for transporting logs and copper tools for farming and horticulture (see - here ) which for some as yet undiscovered reason have been shown to increase the productivity of the land and reduce pests such as slugs:
Had many fascinating and practical ideas based on his experience and insights -
For instance he spoke of the cold fusion which produces helium from hydrogen as a natural process which could be used as a non destructive (non polluting) source of energy.
Whether Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons the Cold Fusion experimenters who momentarily found cold fusion was working, knew of Victor Schauberger I do not know. But as Schauberger made his comments many years before those experiments (he died in 1956) perhaps researchers in the field might benefit from studying his work? Could well be a lead worth following!
Two good introductions to his work are below - though only brief mention is made of fusion. There are more technical books on his work available.
To add a personal comment - It seems to me somehow cruel to split atoms - to kill them.
Victor Schauberger (VS) - had a moment of insight when (as he described it) his consciousness entered/merged with that of water - and during this experience the water "told him" how it needed to move, it told him what made it happiest and healthiest.
From that experience most (maybe all) his later work and inventions - from his highly successful log flume on - came (aided by serendipitous events along the way).
What does not seem to be discussed by those interested in Schauberger`s work is the method he used to enter the water`s consciousness.
Possibly for this age when water will apparently be more important than oil (so the pundits and experts say) fittingly perhaps as this is supposed to be the beginning of the Age of Aquarius (something most of those experts/pundits are not interested in and who would probably deride :-) the Water Bearer.
How to become "one with water" as VS did - and learn from Water? Learn, as VS did, not just by observation (though that is important), but by "participation".
Working not just with theory but from the actual experience from which theory is derived. It`s an interesting question and quite possibly a useful avenue for exploration. The story of Newton`s experience with the apple might well be another example of that same "participation"?
In Australia the increasing problem of salts in the topsoil is probably a result of processes VS described - and crucially - provided practical solutions for.
Anyone with an interest in improving the health and vitality of rivers (Anglers and Angling Societies for instance) would gain much from reading Alick Bartholomew`s book.
* Post war many condemned Schauberger for having worked for the Nazi`s. However he did this under threat of his life and unlike the rocket engineers who went on to help build the Moon rockets, he never produced anything to assist the Nazi war effort - if anything he simply tied up resources. Schauberger himself hinted at the possibility that certain scientific advances and technical creations would only work when there was sufficient goodness to allow them to do so.#
"Only people who love it should care for the forest. Those who view the forest merely as an object of speculation do it and all other living creatures great harm" (Victor Schauberger - quoted on p167 of Hidden Nature). It gives an indication of VS`s perspective - love being the crucial ingredient that is so often overlooked by science that cannot appreciate things it cannot measure. And actually, you might say, rather good careers advice - do what you love, with love, and as a consequence nature will respond.
# Working WITH nature perhaps meaning a different approach is required than controlling nature/bending her to will? Maybe working with nature requires the same approach as working with any living thing, love, empathy and so forth? Especially a living thing much larger than any human, nature "herself" that is.